The Beginner's Guide to Laying Astroturf

The Beginner's Guide to Laying Astroturf
Posted in: Installation

Preparing the Garden

Before you get down to actually laying the turf, you will need to make sure that your garden is fully prepared. This should be done by first removing any existing turf using a turf cutter or a spade.

Then, carefully lay out a base for the artificial turf using sharp builders’ sand to a depth of around 35mm. You should then level the sand to create a firm base for the turf. Finally, roll out a weed membrane layer over the sand, leaving it 50mm short of the grass edge.


Laying the Turf

Once you have fully prepared your garden, it is time to lay down the artificial turf.

You do this by simply rolling out your Astroturf rolls to cover the area, then trimming them at the edges with a craft knife.

Make certain that all of the rolls are laid in the same direction so that the blades of grass are pointing the same way.


Fixing the Grass Down

The final step is to fix your artificial turf down so that it does not come away. You can do this by using jointing tape and adhesive to fix the rolls of turf together. Once you have joined the rolls, disguise the seal by ruffling up the grass at the edges.

Then, use ground pins at every 20cm to fix the rolls down to the ground. Finish off by brushing over the grass with a stiff brush to give it a real-life look and to hide the ground pins, which you have just fixed it down with. 

11 September 2021
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