Fun Facts About Artificial Grass Turf

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Posted in: Facts

It Really Is Like an Outdoor Carpet

High-quality artificial grass is actually produced in carpet factories. Why? Because the way the individual fibres are threaded and stitched is the same process as that used to create luxury deep-pile carpet! In fact, a lot of the terminology is the same too, especially when it comes to measuring up and pile height, and when it comes to laying your lawn there's very little difference to laying a carpet - except your carpet isn't designed to let rainwater drain through!


There's More Than One Type of Artificial Grass

In fact, there are several types of grass turf, including in-fill, non-in-fill and even hybrid grass. Most domestic synthetic lawns are of the non-in-fill type, whereas an in-fill will keep the grass blades standing to attention. 3G and 4G sports pitches also use extra in-fill to stand up to the rigours of pounding feet, while hybrid grass turf - a patchwork of real and synthetic grass - has been used in the NFL, World Cup and Rugby Superteams competition.


You've Almost Certainly Watched a Match on Artificial Grass

3G and 4G pitches have been authorised for use in the Premiership, while NFL games are often played on artificial grass turf. Hybrid pitches that reinforce the playability of natural grass with the toughness of woven fibres are becoming more common at major sporting events.


Astroturf Is a Trade Name

Which brings us to the daddy of them all - Astroturf. Like all vacuum cleaners being known as hoovers, for a long time, all artificial grass was known as Astroturf, although it was actually the trade name of the playing surface put down in the Houston Astrodome in 1966. The original name for Astroturf? ChemGrass. You can't help thinking that the change of name was a smart one!

If you'd like to join the gardeners who have already opted for artificial turf, then take a look at the high-quality grasses on offer on the website and get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team to discuss your requirements.

8 September 2021
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